Georgina Buckley – Ford Mustang Wrap

Meet Georgina Buckley from Buckley Motorsports. Back in 2016 Georgina suffered a terrible crash in their very well know 4-eyed fox body nitrous powered Ford Mustang. Thankfully she walked away relatively unharmed and ready to fill the spot of her beloved former pizza delivery Mustang. I wanted to work with her because I respected the potential she had. Dave and Georgina agreed and we moved on with the process from there. They bought an already famous race car from down south, brought it back up top the frozen north and made some updates. The only problem was the car is blue. Not a problem. I didn’t want there to be any question about who the car belonged to now. We made sure that every inch of the car was covered and no blue would ever show. We added a few extra steps that would be a surprise for Georgina on the day they picked it up. We will just have to leave that one a secret between the Buckleys and Rage Wraps.